PL83 Single-Ended

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PL83 (6BQ5 equivalent) Single-ended Ultra-Linear Stereo Power Amplifier

This amplifier was featured on the February 2004 Issue of the "High-Fidelity Audio: Radio Technology" by Mr. Tadaatsu Atarashi.  The intention for this amplifier was to drive classic high-efficiency speaker systems, such as Western Electric WE-594A or WE-755A.  Although the basic circuit of this amplifier is rather simple, Mr. Atarashi used high-voltage 30A Schotky Barrier Diodes on the full-wave rectifier with the anode grounding configuration.  Mr. Atarashi believes anode grounding rectifiers would yield more detailed and sharper sound images.  Besides the uniqueness of the power supply system, Mr. Atarashi used Hashimoto S30A80H power transformer, C-60-50W choke coil, and H-507S output transformers for this projects. 

Mr. Atarashi tested this amplifier on his B&W SS25 and Western Electric WE-594A.  As the results, Mr. Atarashi was impressed with the rich orchestra sound from this mini amplifier.  After his article was published, Mr. Atarashi utilized this amplifier for another article, "10 Output Transformers Sound Comparison on 300B / 6BQ5 Single-Ended Amplifiers" from  the "Tube Kingdom" 2004 Spring issue Vol32.      



PL83 Single Ended Class A Data Sheet - Pentode Connection


Plate Voltage: Va 250 Volts
Screen Voltage: Vg2 250 Volts
C Grid Voltage: Vg1 (No Signal) Approx. - 5.5 Volts
Plate Current (No Signal): Ia  33 mA
Screen Grid Current (No Signal): Ig2 4.2 mA
Plate to Plate Load: Ra 5,000 Ohms
Cathode Register: Rk 150 Ohms
Power Output: Pout 3.45 Watts
Distortion: D 10%

Schematic and Actual Characteristics

bulletSchematic & Harmonic Distortion




bulletN309/PL83 (PDF File) from Marconi
bulletPL83(PDF File) from Philips

      These Data Sheets are from Frank Philipse Home Page


















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Last changed: 02/01/15

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Last updated: 02/01/15.