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H-20-3.5U Single Ended Output Transformer


The Hashimoto H-20-3.5U has been designed for applications that require 2.5K or 3.5K Ohms primary with up to 20Watts output level into 4, 8, 16 Ohms.  The H-20-3.5U has an Ultra-Linier tap for both 2.5K and 3.5k Ohms primary, and its frequency level is flat between 25Hz and 90,000Hz (+-2db).  The H-20-3.5U is suitable for single-ended applications that utilize popular vacuum tubes, such as 300B, 2A3, KT-88, 6550, EL34 (6CA7), 6B4G, 6A3, and 6L6-GC .





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Last changed: 02/01/15

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Last updated: 02/01/15.